CYRUS: Your path to better cybersecurity

CYRUS is an EU project dedicated to helping companies in transport and manufacturing to respond to and mitigate cybersecurity threats and attacks. The goal is to enhance emploees’ cybersecurity skills for better protection against cybersecurity attacks. In this project, eleven partners from nine European countries collaborate to create a personalised…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru CYRUS: Your path to better cybersecurity

🎯 Our goal: Enhanced cybersecurity skills

Cybersecurity #training is fundamental to help employees and their companies to protect themselves against #cyberattacks. It empowers employees with the expertise to identify cyber threats and determine the right actions to mitigate them. Since many limitations hinder companies in effectively training their personnel, our project “CYRUS” proposes a novel training…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru 🎯 Our goal: Enhanced cybersecurity skills

Securitatea cibernetică, o problemă puțin abordată în industrii manufacturiere și logistică

În data de 28 aprilie 2023, USH Pro Business, centrul antreprenorial al Universității Spiru Haret și partenerii săi Smart Alliance, Danube Engineering Hub și Wallachia eHub au organizat sub auspiciile proiectului Cyrus webinarul „Înțelegerea deficitului de competențe de securitate cibernetică și a nevoilor de formare în sectoarele de producție și…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Securitatea cibernetică, o problemă puțin abordată în industrii manufacturiere și logistică

Understanding cyber security skills shortages and training needs in manufacturing and logistic sectors – Friday 28th of April 2023, 10.30 EET

Keynote Speaker: Enrico Frumento, Cybersecurity Senior Domain Expert @ Cefriel Moderator: Costin Lianu, Coordinator Cyrus Project (Romania)@USH Pro Business AGENDA 1. Cyrus Project Overview The project initiative suggests a cutting-edge training system to develop an innovative DNA on cybersecurity for Transport and Manufacturing organizations. The CYRUS framework aims to employ…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Understanding cyber security skills shortages and training needs in manufacturing and logistic sectors – Friday 28th of April 2023, 10.30 EET