Agroecology-TRANSECT is a pan-European EU funded research project furthering the advancement, understanding and adoption of agroecology in farming.
A diverse team of academic and practitioners from 19 organizations, our goal is to lay the groundwork to unfold agroecology’s potential as the future of European farming. The project engages multiple stakeholders from farmers and growers to policy makers and heads of industry – with activity focused around a diverse range of 11 innovation hubs.
The partnership is seeking examples of existing agroecological partnerships and networks to assess and evaluate as part of activity to understand their successes and failures.
More information about the project can be found here.
Agroecology-TRANSECT Project Summary 2022 – 2026
Agroecology-TRANSECT aims to contribute to releasing the full potential of agroecology for European agriculture by strengthening the knowledge base for farmers and advisors and supporting decision makers. It aims to deliver robust evidence of the benefits of agroecology on climate change mitigation, biodiversity and farm socio-economic resilience.
To achieve these objectives, Agroecology-TRANSECT supports the transition to agroecology through coinnovation dynamics including a transdisciplinary collaboration between researchers (agronomy, animal sciences, ecology, sustainability sciences, socio-economics and political sciences) and stakeholders and mobilisation of knowledge and expertise in 11 multi-actor Innovation Hubs (IHs) which have been engaged in agroecological transition for several years. The selected IHs reflect a diverse range of crop, animal and integrated crop-livestock systems, biogeographical areas and socio-economic European landscapes.
Agroecology-TRANSECT will:
i) deliver a tool to better quantify benefits of agroecology for climate, biodiversity and farm
ii) identify drivers, barriers – including social norms – opportunities and solutions to enhance adoption of agroecological principles; and,
iii) launch a toolbox to deliver pragmatic recommendations for the implementation and expansion of agroecological practices by farmers, advisors, policy makers and other actors along the value chain.
Finally, Agroecology-TRANSECT will assess how policy instruments facilitate or limit the expansion of agroecology, and will provides a comprehensive set of scale-specific policy recommendations for unfolding the potential of agroecology from regional to EU levels.
By overcoming current bio-technical, social and political lock-ins, Agroecology-TRANSECT will support the achievement of relevant targets of key EU policies as the Common Agricultural Policy, the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy.
The twitter account of the project is @ag_transect

Funding received by the European Union under grant agreement No 101060816. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
This work has received funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number 10049476].