The Effects of Agroecology on Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation According to the Scientific Literature

Online Jan 13, 2025, 10:00-11:30 Book here via Eventbrite With Cian Blaix and Olivier Huguenin from Agroscope, Switzerland. We know that the agricultural sector has an often detrimental impact on biodiversity and the environment, and that alternative systems are needed. So how do we continue producing food whilst also focussing…

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Agroecology-TRANSECT Roadshow – 26 November 2024

Our series of roadshows (online and in-person) are our opportunity to share research and innovations as they emerge from the work being carried out by some of Europe's leading institutions. Launching with a virtual event, material passes on to partners and innovation hubs who host local roadshows, to spread the…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Agroecology-TRANSECT Roadshow – 26 November 2024

Join our 1st online roadshow on Tues 26 Nov, 12:00-02:00 (CET)

👉 👈 for insightful, practical and actionable intel exploring the barriers and levers to #agroecology Bertrand Dumont from @INRAE and Innovation hub lead Elisa Oteros Rozas share the stage with researchers and farm practitioners, digging in to what has worked well, what hasn't and why. For farmers, advisors, policymakers…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Join our 1st online roadshow on Tues 26 Nov, 12:00-02:00 (CET)

Agroecology-TRANSECT partners and Innovation Hubs are coming together in Sevilla

It’s really exciting to have all of our project partners and Innovation Hubs gathered in one place for a few days. It’s the Annual Meeting where we come together to share our stories of Agroecology from across Europe and plan the year ahead. We’ll be discussing how we can maximise…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Agroecology-TRANSECT partners and Innovation Hubs are coming together in Sevilla

Transformarea digitală dintr-o perspectivă agroecologică: Riscurile digitalizării având ca scop păstrarea unor forme de agricultură nesustenabilă

Transformarea digitală dintr-o perspectivă agroecologică a fost un subiect cheie al panelului „Agricultură și Turism” din cadrul conferinței InnopRo 2024, care a avut loc la sfârșitul lunii octombrie la Ploiești. Evenimentul a abordat teme privind digitalizarea sistemelor energetice și tehnologiile verzi, agricultura digitală, dezvoltarea durabilă a comunităților rurale, producția sustenabilă…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Transformarea digitală dintr-o perspectivă agroecologică: Riscurile digitalizării având ca scop păstrarea unor forme de agricultură nesustenabilă

Exploring the Barriers and Levers to Agroecology in Europe
Tues 26 Nov, 12:00-02:00 CET, online

Join the team from Agroecology-TRANSECT for hot-off-the-press research and real-life experiences of those transforming our agricultural systems. We know climate-smart, nature-based farming should be the norm across Europe, for the environment and long-term farm resilience. So what’s helping this ambition, and what's hindering it? Researchers from Centre Wallon de Recherches…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Exploring the Barriers and Levers to Agroecology in Europe
Tues 26 Nov, 12:00-02:00 CET, online

Analiza SWOT a Tranziției către Practici Agroecologice în România

Cu ocazia Zilei Agriculturii Ecologice din România, celebrată pe 15 octombrie 2024, Asociația Inter-Bio a organizat, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale, seminarul „Cum putem extinde agroecologia în România?”. Evenimentul a vizat identificarea barierelor și oportunităților din sectorul agroecologic, oferind o bază pentru inițiative strategice și propuneri de…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Analiza SWOT a Tranziției către Practici Agroecologice în România

Why grazing livestock is vital for landscape and biodiversity

Two presentations [from Agroecology-TRANSECT] explore how grassland-based ruminant farming benefits society by providing important ecosystem services. Prof Sebastian Lakner from University of Rostock asks why we need grazing ruminants to enhance biodiversity and landscape and makes the case for rejuvenating Germany’s extensive grassland. Bertrand Dumont, senior researcher at INRAE, looks…

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