The special quality of milk and meat from grass fed ruminants

For the first Agroecology-TRANSECT webinar, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Florian Leiber to talk to us about the special quality of dairy and meat products from grazing ruminant systems. Dr. Leiber is an expert in animal nutrition and is currently co-head of the Department of Livestock Sciences, and the…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru The special quality of milk and meat from grass fed ruminants

IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture

BRUSSELS, 25 JANUARY 2024 – On the occasion of the launch of the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe expresses its support for this initiative. IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes the opportunity to engage in discussions aimed at achieving more dialogue and less polarisation in the agri-food…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture

Cooperare și transfer de cunoștințe între clustere de agricultură ecologică din bazinul cerealier al Dunării

În data de 17 ianuarie a.c., la Craiova a avut loc întâlnirea  fermierilor din cadrul clusterelor Bio Danubius Tulcea și Bio Oltenia Craiova, întâlnire ce a avut ca scop transferul de cunoștințe între clustere de agricultură ecologică din bazinul cerealier al Dunării. Întâlnirea, organizată de Agro Danubius Trading, membru Bio…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Cooperare și transfer de cunoștințe între clustere de agricultură ecologică din bazinul cerealier al Dunării

How can Europe Restore its Nature?

On Tuesday 9 January 2024, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), a globally unique but hotly debated regulation that aims to halt and reverse biodiversity loss in Europe. An international team of scientists led by the University of Duisburg-Essen investigated the prospects of the…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru How can Europe Restore its Nature?

Bio Danubius IH Workshop – further mapping of the IH socio-technical systems, action plan and indicators – – 17 January 2024, 14:00 – –  Hotel Europeca,11 Pietății street – CRAIOVA –

The European research project Agroecology-TRANSECT it is a project whose general objective is to contribute to the full affirmation of the potential of agroecology for European agriculture, by strengthening the knowledge base for farmers, advisors and authorities and supporting decision makers by developing strong evidence of the positive effects of…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Bio Danubius IH Workshop – further mapping of the IH socio-technical systems, action plan and indicators – – 17 January 2024, 14:00 – –  Hotel Europeca,11 Pietății street – CRAIOVA –

Agroecology Europe Forum Participation

The Agroecology Europe Forum took place from 16 to 18 November in Gyöngyös near Budapest. This 3-day event was organised by Agroecology Europe, a non-profit organisation promoting the sustainable development of farming and food systems across the EU. A diverse range of farming and policy voices  The event brought together…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Agroecology Europe Forum Participation

Are you involved with initiative based on the principles of agroecological farming?

Help us by telling us more about your food production or farming initiative, so we can scale up nature friendly farming across Europe Complete the survey: We're mapping the work of agroecological farmers and growers taking place across Europe, looking for the commonalities that characterise nature-friendly farming. Armed with this…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Are you involved with initiative based on the principles of agroecological farming?

Wallachia eHub, the epicenter of innovation and digital transformation in Eastern Europe and the Danube macro-region
The InnopRo international summit of the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub, an annual event that has become a tradition

Between November 16-17, 2023, the InnopRo international summit - Innovation Pathways Romania, towards Twin Transition. The Role of the European Digital Innovation Hub – WEH, event organized by the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub was held in Sinaia. The session was opened by Mr. Vlad Oprea, the mayor of the…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Wallachia eHub, the epicenter of innovation and digital transformation in Eastern Europe and the Danube macro-region
The InnopRo international summit of the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub, an annual event that has become a tradition

Caravana digitală Wallachia eHub conturează coridorul digital al localităților din jurul Ploieștiului
Prima caravană a serviciilor integrate digitale pentru autorități publice locale a fost prezentată la primăria comunei Blejoi – Copy

La data de 9 noiembrie 2023, la Sala Polivalentă a comunei Blejoi, a fost organizat primul eveniment din cadrul Caravanei Wallachia eHub, prin cooperarea unor membri ai consorțiului, respectiv Heveco, Integrisoft Solutions și Beia Consult International, în calitate de ofertanți de tehnologii integrate, precum și Clusterul Danube Engineering Hub și…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Caravana digitală Wallachia eHub conturează coridorul digital al localităților din jurul Ploieștiului
Prima caravană a serviciilor integrate digitale pentru autorități publice locale a fost prezentată la primăria comunei Blejoi – Copy

IH BIO Danubius joins Agroecology-TRANSECT multi-partner network to advance research into nature friendly farming across Europe

IH BIO Danubius joins Agroecology-TRANSECT multi-partner network to advance research into nature friendly farming across Europe 11 new Innovation Hubs across Europe partner to drive widescale adoption of agroecology to address climate and nature crisis Agroecology-Transect is a new multi-partner network which secured EUR 6.4m Horizon Europe funding to realise the full potential of…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru IH BIO Danubius joins Agroecology-TRANSECT multi-partner network to advance research into nature friendly farming across Europe