Last week 28-29 June, national and EU-level experts met at our #OrganicHouse in Brussels to build scenarios for developing the organic sector in vision of #EUGreenDeal targets. 20 selected organic food and farming experts worked intensively to develop strategies for reaching 25% #OrganicLand by 2030. One of the participating experts, CORE Organic Coordinator representing AU-ICROFS, Ivana Trkulja, shared her experience: „The workshop organisers gathered the most inspiring group of people that have contributed to the organic sector with their knowledge, expertise and commitment for several decades. The event followed an extraordinary interactive working method that stimulated joint efforts towards understanding how to reach the Green Deal targets for organics by 2030. CORE Organic is a network of European public funders and stakeholder partners that has supported research and innovation in organic food and farming since 2004. We aim to continue this important task as a part of the #OrganicTargets4EU project and contribute to the different EU Horizon Europe instruments”.