The forthcoming European partnership on agroecology has pre-announced its first call for 2024

The CORE Organic Pleiades network, TP Organics, IFOAM Organics Europe, and OrganicTargets4EU welcome the pre-announcement of the first partnership on agroecology call which acknowledges the importance of organics. Ivana Trkulja (CORE Organic Coordinator, ICROFS) states “This is an important achievement and a great possibility that organic research and innovation is…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru The forthcoming European partnership on agroecology has pre-announced its first call for 2024

CORE Organic Annual Workshop puts focus on the road towards organic targets of the European Union 

The CORE Organic Pleaides network hosted a workshop in Brussels,as part of the Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU. The name of the seminar was “CORE Organic Annual Workshop 2023”, and the subject title for this year’s event was “CORE Organic Pleaides Network Roadmap to 2030”. The event gathered approximately 30 network…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru CORE Organic Annual Workshop puts focus on the road towards organic targets of the European Union 

Agroecology Europe Forum Participation

The Agroecology Europe Forum took place from 16 to 18 November in Gyöngyös near Budapest. This 3-day event was organised by Agroecology Europe, a non-profit organisation promoting the sustainable development of farming and food systems across the EU. A diverse range of farming and policy voices  The event brought together…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Agroecology Europe Forum Participation

Are you involved with initiative based on the principles of agroecological farming?

Help us by telling us more about your food production or farming initiative, so we can scale up nature friendly farming across Europe Complete the survey: We're mapping the work of agroecological farmers and growers taking place across Europe, looking for the commonalities that characterise nature-friendly farming. Armed with this…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Are you involved with initiative based on the principles of agroecological farming?


Aceasta a fost o întrebare cheie la care s-au oferit răspunsuri în cadrul evenimentului de final al proiectului Erasmus + “FACILITATE-AI: Guidelines for facilitating the learning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by School Students of Grades 7-12”, proiect identificat la nivel european 2021-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000032567 Conferința de prezentare a rezultatelor proiectului a…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru CUM SE VA PREDA INTELIGENȚA ARTIFICIALĂ?


Aceasta a fost o întrebare cheie la care s-au oferit răspunsuri în cadrul evenimentului de final al proiectului Erasmus + “FACILITATE-AI: Guidelines for facilitating the learning of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by School Students of Grades 7-12”, proiect identificat la nivel european 2021-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000032567 Conferința de prezentare a rezultatelor proiectului a…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru CUM SE VA PREDA INTELIGENȚA ARTIFICIALĂ?

Wallachia eHub, the epicenter of innovation and digital transformation in Eastern Europe and the Danube macro-region
The InnopRo international summit of the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub, an annual event that has become a tradition

Between November 16-17, 2023, the InnopRo international summit - Innovation Pathways Romania, towards Twin Transition. The Role of the European Digital Innovation Hub – WEH, event organized by the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub was held in Sinaia. The session was opened by Mr. Vlad Oprea, the mayor of the…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Wallachia eHub, the epicenter of innovation and digital transformation in Eastern Europe and the Danube macro-region
The InnopRo international summit of the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub, an annual event that has become a tradition

Wallachia eHub, the epicenter of innovation and digital transformation in Eastern Europe and the Danube macro-region
The InnopRo international summit of the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub, an annual event that has become a tradition

Between November 16-17, 2023, the InnopRo international summit - Innovation Pathways Romania, towards Twin Transition. The Role of the European Digital Innovation Hub – WEH, event organized by the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub was held in Sinaia. The session was opened by Mr. Vlad Oprea, the mayor of the…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Wallachia eHub, the epicenter of innovation and digital transformation in Eastern Europe and the Danube macro-region
The InnopRo international summit of the digital innovation center Wallachia eHub, an annual event that has become a tradition

Wallachia eHub, epicentrul inovării și transformării digitale în Europa de Est și macro-regiunea Dunării
Summit-ul internațional InnopRo al centrului de inovare digitală Wallachia eHub, un eveniment anual devenit tradiție

În perioada 16-17 noiembrie 2023 s-a desfășurat la Sinaia summit-ul internațional InnopRo - Innovation Pathways Romania, towards Twin Transition.  The Role of the European Digital Innovation Hub – WEH, eveniment organizat de centrul de inovare digitală Wallachia eHub. Sesiunea a fost deschisă de către domnul Vlad Oprea, primarul orașului Sinaia,…

Comentariile sunt închise pentru Wallachia eHub, epicentrul inovării și transformării digitale în Europa de Est și macro-regiunea Dunării
Summit-ul internațional InnopRo al centrului de inovare digitală Wallachia eHub, un eveniment anual devenit tradiție